Set up ExtremeVPN Command Line App on Linux
Discover how to set up and adjust ExtremeVPN’s Command Line App for better privacy and security. Follow our simple guide to quickly install and make the most of ExtremeVPN’s robust features through the command line interface. Protect your online activities with this helpful article.
Take full advantage of your online privacy and security using ExtremeVPN’s Command Line App. This extensive manual offers detailed, easy-to-follow directions on installing and setting up the app, guaranteeing a smooth and effortless setup experience. Before proceeding, download the app from this link to start your journey toward enhanced online protection.
- Simply run the following command to install the ExtremeVPN program.
curl | sudo bash
- When installing, run the following command to add the ExtremeVPN CLI to your profile.
PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/etc/pure-linux-cli/:/etc/pure-linux-cli/ > ~/.bashrc
- After installing ExtremeVPN successfully.
- Enter the command to log in to ExtremeVPN.
extremevpn-cli –login OR extremevpn-cli –i
Note: Using the “login” command, use a double hyphen (–).
ExtremeVPN makes it simple to connect to the location you prefer. Follow these steps to select and click on a specific location:
- Open the ExtremeVPN application.
- Use the command extremevpn-cli –connect “United States” or extremevpn-cli -c “US” to connect to the United States.
- Alternatively, you can use country codes from the country list. For instance, use extremevpn-cli –connect DE or extremevpn-cli -c DE to connect to Germany.
Remember: Using the “connect” command, use a double hyphen (–).
Curious about which server is recommended? The recommended server will conveniently connect you to a country or server suggested by our intelligent algorithm, taking into account geographical distance.
If you want to learn more about how ExtremeVPN’s smart algorithms function, please explore further. To establish a connection with the recommended location or server, simply enter the command provided below: extremevpn-cli -r
Note: Using the “recommended” command, use a double hyphen (–).
- Use the following command to view the list of countries and their respective country codes.
extremevpn-cli –location OR extremevpn-cli -l
Note: Using the “location list” command, use a double hyphen (–).
Your connection’s speed and dependability are greatly influenced by the VPN protocol you use. Choosing the right protocol while connecting to a VPN server is essential. Utilizing the automated protocol to determine the best connection setup for your requirements, ExtremeVPN suggests several protocols depending on your needs.
Protocol Guide:
- Wireguard (Recommended): Use Wireguard for a fast and secure VPN connection, ideal for web browsing and streaming.
- UDP: UDP is great for streaming and downloading. It offers a fast VPN connection with medium encryption.
- TCP: TCP is more reliable but slightly slower. It’s commonly used for web browsing.
To switch protocols, use the following commands:
- For automatic protocol selection: extremevpn-cli –protocol auto or extremevpn-cli -p auto
- For Wireguard protocol: extremevpn-cli –protocol wireguard or extremevpn-cli -p wireguard
To check the currently selected protocol, use the same command without any arguments: extremevpn-cli –protocol
Note: Using the “protocol” command, use a double hyphen (–).
To see your account details in the ExtremeVPN app, enter the below-given command:
extremevpn-cli –account extremevpn-cli -a
Note: Using the “account” command, use a double hyphen (–).
To check the version of your Linux application, use the command:
extremevpn-cli –version extremevpn-cli -v
Note: Using the “version” command, use a double hyphen (–).
To get help with commands in our latest application, use these steps:
- Open the command line interface.
- Type the following command:
extremevpn-cli -h” or “extremevpn-cli –help
Note: Using the “help” command, use a double hyphen (–).
To disconnect from the VPN, enter the following command:
extremevpn-cli –disconnect OR extremevpn-cli -d
Note: Using the “disconnect” command, use a double hyphen (–).
- Before logging out, ensure that your VPN is not connected.
- Open the ExtremeVPN application. To log out, enter the following command:
extremevpn-cli –logout” or “extremevpn-cli -o
Note: Using the “logout” command, use a double hyphen (–).
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