100% Anonymous Experience with ExtremeVPN

ExtremeVPN offers users the safety and privacy they need as they use the internet, protecting their data and traffic. And not only do we protect users from nefarious third parties, but we also ensure that you are protected from everyone — ExtremeVPN included.

Anonymous Experience with ExtremeVPN

ExtremeVPN Never Collects Users Data

In our bid to safeguard your privacy, we are also committed to making sure it is indeed 100%; this means we do not keep any logs of your internet activities, no activity or connections logs. And that’s not all; we are also accountable to you, the user. How? We submit our privacy policy and technology to independent auditors and testers for transparent review. List of the things ExtremeVPN will and can not log:

We also ensured that our apps and servers were designed to filter for and eliminate sensitive user information. This action is to make extra sure and keep our 100% anonymous user experience. It comes in handy if ExtremeVPN is ever compelled to present any of its customer data — we can’t because we do not even have it in the first place.

What Does ExtremeVPN Allowed to Collect and Why?

Although we do not collect your private data, we need specific information to serve you better. These pieces of information are minimal and can only tell us how you interact with our services. Below are the data ExtremeVPN can collect:

  • Information about the dates you connect to the VPN service. We do not log the times.
  • The app type (depending on your device) and the version you downloaded or used.
  • The exact server location you choose to connect to.
  • Data on the amount of data, often in megabytes, you consume daily.

As you can see, ExtremeVPN cannot use the information it collects to pinpoint user identity, location, or even internet behavior. We know so little because we want to serve you more.

What Does ExtremeVPN Allowed to Collect and Why?

Why Does ExtremeVPN Need to Collect Any Information at all?

Since we have covered the nature of the information we can collect, we need to discuss why we do it. Below are the reasons ExtremeVPN needs to collect user information:

  • To help our support staff troubleshoot technical issues you might encounter as you use any of the ExtremeVPN apps
  • To better offer technical support to customers, quickly pinpoint any connection problems, and give region-specific tips on how to use our service correctly
  • To give ExtremeVPN engineers the upper hand in correctly identifying and fixing any network issues you may have.

ExtremeVPN will also need to collect anonymous data about your usage, none of which can be traced back to you. These include:

  • Speed test data
  • Connection failures
  • Crash/failure reports

And if you do not want to share any of these with us, you can toggle the settings in your ExtremeVPN app to tailor the data sent to us.

Why Extreme VPN Collects Information

Detailed List of the Things ExtremeVPN will not Log

ExtremeVPN will never store any user activity or connection logs. However, we need to explain what this truly means in detail, and we can do so with two primary talking points:

  • Connection logs: ExtremeVPN will not log user connection data; this includes connection timestamps, source IP address, duration of the sessions, or the VPN-generated IP address.
  • Activity logs: Not only can ExtremeVPN not record your activities, but it cannot see any of them — not the stores you browse or even the websites you visit. Our apps are designed never to log your traffic destination and to ensure this is failproof. We use our own encrypted DNS on each of our servers for that extra layer of privacy.
No-logs Policy

ExtremeVPN Prioritizes User Privacy

Our goal is to ensure absolute user privacy, which means we will never keep any records of your activities online while connected to a VPN. For this reason, we have designed our systems so that we never truly know how users utilize our services.

The system cannot and will not give specific or detailed information about any one user. For example, ExtremeVPN systems cannot provide information on which users used a specific IP address at a particular time or who went to which website. The truth is that we do not process this data.

Unlike other VPN providers, who claim not to keep any logs but cannot tell you exactly what they are not recording, ExtremeVPN is fully transparent with our privacy policy. For a VPN provider to claim it doesn’t have any knowledge of the data it does not collect, you can be sure there’s some foul play afoot. Transparency is vital for a “privacy-centric” service like a VPN, and ExtremeVPN does not shy away from this.

As stated earlier, ExtremeVPN only stores necessary and essential information to serve our customers better. In addition, we have our privacy policy and technology audited by external bodies to ensure we are accountable to our customers and the general public. Our TrustedServer technology helps us maintain our operation mode.

ExtremeVPN Prioritizes Users Privacy

ExtremeVPN Supports the Fight for Digital Rights

With ExtremeVPN, you are assured of staying anonymous and keeping all your private data private.

Advocates for Digital Freedom

As part of our support for digital freedom and anonymity, we also financially support others who are championing the cause in different ways. They are listed below:

  • OpenMedia
  • Fight for the Future
  • Access Now
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • The Internet Defense League

We agree that privacy is not just a privilege but a universal human right, and we continue to uphold this idea.

Digital Freedom

We are an Offshore VPN Based in the British Virgin Islands

You don’t have to worry about privacy laws mandating ExtremeVPN to reveal any user’s private information. ExtremeVPN is based in the British Virgin Islands, which affords us optimum privacy and anonymity, exempting our users and us from any U.S. or European law.


100% Private VPN Apps Designed for Just About Any Device

ExtremeVPN has a beginner-friendly and easy-to-navigate VPN app for every device and handy VPN extensions for your favorite browsers. We have VPN apps for:

The ExtremeVPN apps offer users an easier means to experience a faster, more secure, and private internet connection without the looming fear of your information getting logged. This is our policy; this is our promise.

100% Private VPN Apps Designed for Just About Any Device